Thursday, November 02, 2006

Thursday November 2nd, 2006

8 sweaty kms today.
I still went and ran mid morning.Twice I have now written about how hot it is during that time and yet..I still went out.
What's that saying about the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing and expecting a different result?


But, it was a nice run. One of those days when you are running at the right and comfortable pace and in the right breathing pattern.
Things clicked and I felt focused.

For me-running has always been more a mental thing than anything.To be able to focus just on that moment-rather than doing lots of things at the same time. It has a meditative quality and I enjoy that. Especially on days when I don't get distracted by the weather,the snapping birds or my shorts continuously twisting around!!!

And, it's so nice to run at a different part of the day.Normally I have run very early-but now I have the luxury of not having to wake up so early.You see different people out and about.
Mostly elderly people having morning tea in the park and new mums pushing their prams.

I was thinking about the new mums.Dr Phil (whom Iam spending an awful lot of time with lately) had a show about stay at home mums vs working mums.Each had their perceptions of how 'easy' it was for the other and the responsibilites they had relinquished by making the choices they had.

Why do we,as women do that?
Why are we so quick to condemn one another?

I think it's more related to women always feeling they in some way have to defend their choices-and it's not just about family choices.It's about work, clothing choices even hair styles!

How much of this is driven by our feelings of worth?

If you didn't have the job, the children and the external superficialities that give you that sense of worth,then where does it come from?

I don't think it's wrong to need to feel validated.I think that's human,and we are essentially social beings.

I guess what I am asking we validate one another enough,do we value women and ALL the work they do,regardless of where their work is based, enough so that divisions that we create amongst ourselves as women become obsolete?


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