Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Tuesday, November 14th, 2006

Yesterday's workout(oooooh coloured font)- 3km recovery run on the dreadmill
biceps and shoulder workout

Today- 6.06km's

I think a fly flew in my ear.

There I was swatting away and I felt one just near my ear.I reached round to flip it away and suddenly,I didn't feel it anymore-HOWEVER,I felt a tickle in my ear and as I ran,I could fell this gentle 'thump thump" IN MY EAR.The same feeling you get when you have water in your ear.

I stuck my finger in there,and if I had anything smaller than my elbow I think I would have poked that in there too.

I have this mental image of an insect,getting it's little insect feet stuck in sticky earwax ( which looks suprisingly sparkly and delightful- NOT dirty and gluggy or anything hideous like that)

You don't suppose that..you know that story about the spider..it couldn't really have

Let's change the subject slightly shall we?


If you run in an unrelaxed manner,with your jaw clenched and your shoulders slightly hunched and stiff hipped-it wears you out.
A relaxed runner is a happy runner.So,how do you relax? By exhaling really loud-like a horse (snorting is optional).
This will relax you (it's very hard to maintain rigedness when exhaling)
It also alerts people in front of you that there's someone coming behind them and blows any pesky flies away from your mouth.Unfortunately the vacuum effect may suck them into your ear.

The New Workplace Laws

Now that workers can cash in their sick leave,who will be better off?

This provision has been available to private industry workers for some time and no doubt many will enjoy the option of being able to cash in all those extra days.
However, what about the people who are more likely to need those extra days? eg. single parent workers who will need time to care for sick children.
They won't be wanting to cash in days they may need further down the track and so already,the disadvantage becomes obvious.

My view is this-usually the conditions you work under have been historically fought for. Chances are that some where, some time, some one stuck their neck out for this condition. I believe we inherit the conditions,but they are not 'ours' to trade off.

This is the thin edge of the summer sandal wedge.
If enough people cash in their leave,then it could be argued that it's simply not needed, and it won't be long until everyone will simply receive their base number days and that is it.

Bah humbug.


Blogger Sekhmet said...

We seem to be losing just about everything else in the workplace so I wouldn't be surprised to see annual leave go next grrrrrrr :-(

"I will follow" was one of the first tracks they played on Monday - classic :-) Lot's of people pogo-ing, such a great dance move lol

2:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this not an expansion of workers rights? What if those poor single mothers could use the extra cash? Isn't this a way for them to get it? Or maybe the state should just provide for all...I luvs ya you snarky little commie...taggie.

2:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey someone else who understands the "Fly problem"!!

I hate it when they fly right into your mouth as you breath in, and you suck them into the back of your throat. Or when they sit in your tear ducts under your sunnies, and blinking doesn't shoo them off. And when I think of the amount of dog poo those flies have been standing in.... You're right... perhaps we should stop there.

3:50 PM  
Blogger Wanda Ring said...

single parents are more likely to want to keep their sick leave days,rather than go for the cash,because if their kids get sick and they need time off,if they don't have any paid leave,they will have to take unpaid time off.SO,they'll keep it as insurance.

*clip over the ear*

4:14 PM  

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