Monday, November 27, 2006

Monday, November 27th, 2006

Saturday: 13km run
Sunday:2km recovery,shoulder,biceps workout

Today:8km run
AND- a workout at Curves.
Why? Because,they have employed me as a circuit trainer!

The way this has all evolved has taken me completely by surprise.

3 weeks ago I made the monumental decision to resign from my current job.
It was an incredibly difficult decision because although I knew I really needed to move on,it was hard to let go.
I felt like I was selling out and kept replaying conversations I had had when I first landed the job.About how privledged I felt and how this was where I saw my future.

I still feel the same way in many respects,however ,the last couple of years have been hard and I have put it down to the fact that I was so heavily emotionally invested at the start,that now 8 years later, I just can't give in the same way I gave before.

And if I couldn't do the job,in the way I thought it should be done,then I had to go.

The health and fitness industry is obviously appealing to me because I enjoy working out and I enjoy gathering knowledge about it-and I know what it's like to feel intimidated and embarrassed-so,I'm confident that I can do this job and be supportive.

Then 5 minutes later I'm worried that I'll be crap at it and howthehelldidigetthisjob ANYWAY??

The crazy thing is how it's all happened.
I found my long lost girl friend.
I told her I was quitting my current job and stated to her 'you know what I can see myself doing? Working in a womens gym.Like Curves"

A few days later she found the positon advertised in her local paper.

Had we not rediscovered one another and had that conversation,I would never have known the job even existed because it was only advertised locally.

How can life be so random,and yet seem so fated?

(Damn! I should have told her I wanted to be a tap dancer or a tester for acme rocket rollerskates!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So now I know.....the rest of the story!

How can life seem so random and yet so fated?

Life, you see, is like a bowl of Cincy chili. You don't really know what it's all about , but you just have to dive in anyway and sometimes it comes out all right.

But sometimes it leaves you with indigestion. And a messy shirt.

And what's with all that cheese on top, anyway?....Um...I digress.

I am so glad you've got the job! :)

7:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on the job tinkle! I had a life changing career change last year - COMPLETELY different career, start-from-the-bottom-type job. You know, it was the best thing I ever did!! I'm more confident applying for other jobs now (no guilting me into false loyalty thank you very much). My life is about ME now, not my job. ME. MEEEEEE!!!!!

10:02 AM  
Blogger Vicky said...

Thanks Tinkle, you just supplied my Tues night entertainment!
Like to add a new blog or two to the "must read" list now and then and just found yours. Really enjoyed reading about your big adventure from a few months back and your comments and style (not to mention photos) have provided more than a few laughs!

Cheers! MAR.

4:17 PM  
Blogger Sekhmet said...

Congratulations Tinkle! I can't wait to hear about you whipping them all into shape ;-)

4:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, we really have our political differences but I envy your devotion. I also envy your courage and veracity, I hope to one day soon have the balls to walk away myself.


2:13 PM  

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