Monday, December 04, 2006

Tuesday, December 5th, 2006

Saturday: 5km timed run +1km cool down.
Sunday: 3km recovery dreadmill run
Monday: 5km easy run
Tuesday: Weights;Shoulders/back

Yesterday's morning run was my first under daylight savings hours.Seeing as it was actually 5am and not 6am,it was cool and not energy sapping bright.What a pleasant run.It was not quite so unbelievable to think I actually ran a marathon this year

So Bomber Beazley is out and Kevin Dud,err, Crud..oops, I mean Rudd takes the helm as leader of the opposition.
Glad they got that sorted.
I can't help but like Julia Gillard. I think she will be a hoot. I'm sure she's a bogan behind closed doors.If anyone sits around watching telly in their tracky daks (tracksuit pants for the foreigners) and moccasins,maybe a fag hanging out the corner of her mouth,it's got to be Jules.
But I have a theory.
Obviously any scientist worth their pitri dish isn't going to lead you down the garden path without some testing of their hypothesis,and so,I have spared no expense in testing my theory through particulary advanced scientific methods and can now present you with the most conclusive evidence to date.
I have fed the images of both Rudd and Gillard into supremely advanced technological apparati and can now summise that the Labor Party has abandoned developing alternative policy and has instead ,pinned it's hopes on the Australian voters electing fresher looking John Howards.I call this Da Howard code.


Blogger Ruune said...

That's amazing!! And you say those photos are altered? You can't even tell!!

8:06 AM  
Blogger Sekhmet said...

You mean to say that those pictures were potato shopped???

7:06 PM  

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