Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Why Brain from "Family Guy" is right.Again

Monday;Pilates (I needed the stretch after Sunday's 20kms. My butt was sore!)
Tuesday; Yasso's; 4x800m @ 5min per Km pace;6.2km total

I beat myself up over Sunday's run.
It wasn't that it was HARD,but I did take walking drinking stops.Aerobically I didn't feel too bad,but it was so tiring!All I could think about was how well I felt running 20kms during my last marathon training.
Then I remembered that I didn't run 20kms in January last year.
In sweltering humidity and heat.
And then I remembered the big picture-trying to run more long,long runs.
By the time I 'officially' start training in mid February, I will be well on the way to doing a 30km run,and that's quite neat.

Also,I have pumped up the speed when doing yasso's on the treadmill and am setting my high speed on 12 rather than 11.2.
I thought I'd fall and knock my teeth out-but so far,so good!


"'I just spent all morning watching a VH1 special on Gwen Stefani. I don't know what a Hollaback girl is. All I know is that I want her dead. "- Brian (Family Guy)

I couldn't agree more!

While some of her songs while she played in No Doubt were passable,her warblings since then are about as pleasant as severe sphincter crampings.

Take her latest song 'wind it up"
Supposedly the lyrics are 'wind it up,uh,uh,uh,uh'
But all I hear are 'waduh'.


I don't think I'm old fashioned.I will still bang my head and slap my steering wheel to The Sex Pistols, The Hoodoo Gurus,Val Doonican and The Ramones.

Why, some people who know me will even tell you I know the lyrics to mmbop and understand the profound depth of the meaning associated with 'ba dubi dop ba do bop'

But then again,maybe it is an age thing because even when I look at Gwen,I see...

Vivienne Westwood.
Cept Viv's cooler.
Am I alone here?
And seeing as we are talking about music,let me express my sheer delight that Augie March's song 'One Crowded Hour' finished at the top of Triple J's Hottest 100 songs for 2006.
I adore this song!
I think the tumbling lyrics and swirling melodies capture beautifully the breathlessness of first lust! And the head in the hands realisation that it's all gone horribly wrong.
Take a minute to enjoy the greatness of Augie March!
And ponder the timeless words of Walter Scott,
"One crowded hour of glorious life is worth an age without a name."


Blogger Celeste said...

Hey - good on you for the 20km. That's just awesome regardless of speed.

Super Dooper. :)

12:43 PM  
Blogger JH said...

I'm a bit disappointed with the hottest 100 thing actually.

"One crowded hour" is okay, but it's not really in the same class as "stickwitu" or "loosen up my buttons". Those Pussycat dolls really had a great year.

In defence of Mz Stefani, you do know she's made entirely of makeup don't you?

That foundation she wears does blend seamslessly with your skin tone, but it ain't all that helpful when it comes to enunciation.

11:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even my teen age daughter has given up on Ms. Stefani after listening to her latest "effort".

And I very much like "One Crowded Hour"....almost as much as Mmmbop ;)...DanQ

11:39 AM  
Blogger Sekhmet said...

Tinckle, where are yoooouuuuuuu???

I checked in for a chortle at your latest post and there is no latest post.....

Ah, Gwennie, I'm not sure what has happened to that one. I quite liked some of No Doubts little ditties, but the stuff she is coming out with these days? I just don't get it...

12:45 PM  
Blogger MorseyRuns said...

Tinkle I miss you too- come back soon please.

1:56 PM  

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