Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The secret

Friday: 11km easy
Saturday: xtraining;bike/weights-light leg work
Sunday:30 kms
Tuesday:14km easy

I finally managed my first 30kms. On the plus side,it's way earlier than last year,when I didn't do my first until about 6 weeks before the marathon.
On the negative,the last 2km,particularly the last was so fricken hard. I'd really like to blame the weather. It's still very warm in the mornings.I sweat BUCKETS and have consistently hit the last 2 kms with no water left in my fuel bottles.
My legs and feet felt crampy and achey.
I'd also like to blame something on nutirition. I do grab some toast before I go,but,I think my sugar levels must crash because I end up falling asleep post run and craving sugar. In fact,I drank a can of coke!! before I started feeling ok again!
So,I dunno..I need to tweak my diet or something before the rampages of the evil imperialistic capitalist consumerist society takes control of my body when in fact all I really needed was a 65c salt tablet.

The Secret

On Monday, I something vile,frightening and truly damaging to my psyche occured and as a result I am now imprisoned by the shocking experience to such an extent that it has taken all my willpower and sheer determination to sit in the room and type these few words to you.

Yes,dear reader.A MOUSE crossed my path in the doorwway of this very room and I am pretty sure ENTERED.

Since then I have been shoving a variety of people in here to bang on furniture to see if it will come out.
I have left my feral cat Kitty Boy with strict orders to come in ans scope the place out,not to mention telling my crack atack dog, Fidel to come in and 'sic 'em'.
Sadly, Fidels response has been pretty much to lie on his back demanding a belly rub or,lick his balls
(Him,not me)

I have decided what is needed is that some enterprising soul establish a company whereby, if you find yourself in a situation where you need a bloke (to open jars,squish a bug or find a rodent),and your usual handy bloke is not around,you can call of blokes! to come and sort it out!!

I know my feminist sisters may scoff at me,but I say this.
Yes, I will hold my own in a male dominated work environment.
Yes, I will venture into a sports bar and ask for a bacardi mixer.
Yes, I will forget to shave my legs for a day..or 3..4 tops..



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice wee story lucky dog!! Hope you find your new pet before the snake gets it.

8:12 PM  
Blogger Sekhmet said...

I know in Victoria they had "Hire-a-Hubby" - maybe you can hire one out your way???

My cat is equally useless, she actually brings mice in and drops them in front of me as a "gift"

6:18 AM  
Blogger Celeste said...

There'd be no point in loaning you my cat either - Pookie would either run away or fall asleep (or lick her belly). This is a nasty one for you to deal with. For me it's cockroaches.

Fantastic 30km run by the way! Are you just drinking water throughout, or do you take on other fluids? I'm fairly reliant on my Gatorade - a remnant of my life in hot Karratha. I've started watering it down more, but I don't think plain ol' water would cut it for me anymore.

7:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will be glad to take care of your mouse. All that I ask is that you pay for my travel expenses.

Way to go on that 30km run! :)


7:53 AM  
Blogger JH said...

the "evil imperialistic capitalist consumerist society" is way ahead of you there. Witness Hire a hubby

As a card-carrying member of the patriarchy who also owns a hammer, I even considered signing up as a franchisee, until I realised it probably involved power tools.

Last time I used a power tool I took off the top of my thumb and cut the power to the whole suburb.

12:07 PM  
Blogger Vicky said...

Great effort on the 30kms - I'm jealous, in the nicest of ways.
Agree with Celeste, drinking something with some electrolites would be better than just water over this distance, or maybe try a gel so you don't bonk !

Mice don't bother me, probably cos I had them as pets when younger... Rats, thats a different story!


6:28 AM  

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